MV Toisa Mariner

Joined the Toisa Mariner in Great Yarmouth on 05-01-91 and completed fourteen tours with out interruption of going to other ships and leaving 05-11-92.

Spent most of the time out of Great Yarmouth but the last five tours were out of Aberdeen and Peterhead. The ship was then chartered in Brazil so I moved to the Toisa Puma but would catch up with the Toisa Mariner in Brazil at a later date.


Rejoined the Toisa Mariner in Rio De Janeiro on 22-10-96 after a quick basic Dynamic Positioning course in Lowestoft. Served two tours in Brazil, leaving on 06-04-97, before the ship finished its charter and headed back to the UK. I joined again in Sunderland on 02-06-97 and left for the last time on 25-06-97.

The ship was engaged in DP ROV (Remote Operated Vehicle) work in Brazil and again in the UK. This was not really my cup of tea, all the moaning contractors on board along with safety meetings and reams of paperwork. Additionally we were undermanned, doing DP work and I was still be paid the same salary as if I was on the Toisa Leopard. I asked for transfer back to anchor handling/supply work so was pencilled in to head for the Toisa Conqueror in Brazil.

For the new work that the vessel was engaged in a helli deck had been added as can be seen in the pictures.

  • […] and left in Aberdeen 27-04-1997. I believe that I was filling in time as my regular ship, the Toisa Mariner, was homeward bound from […]

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